Is Your Genesys Environment Secure? (Part One)

By Alex Boisseau on September 28, 2016

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Alex Boisseau

With Genesys G-Force 2016 only days away, we have been walking you through some of the security challenges organizations face when using the world’s number one customer experience platform.

Previously we spoke about the unconventional ways that Genesys components use or integrate with existing technology. We also described how Genesys uses a combination of proprietary and industry standard protocols and configurations throughout their applications, and the challenges this presents to standard testing procedures.

Now we’re putting you to the test with the first part of a checklist running down some key questions to ask yourself when determining if your Genesys environment is secure:

  1. Do you know what data in your Genesys ecosystem is sensitive?

    Your Genesys platform could be home to Personally Identifiable Information (social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and banking information), health records, trade secrets, company financial information, and customer/client information. Do you know what information you have and don’t have stored in your ecosystem?

  2. Do you know the data flow of this sensitive information?
    What systems store, process, or transmit the sensitive information passing through your Genesys ecosystem?

  3. Do you know who has access to the sensitive information stored in Genesys?
    What protocols do you have in place for granting access to sensitive information? Is it held on a strictly “need to know” basis?

  4. Have you reviewed your communication protocols?
    When in transit, is sensitive information protected through the use of secure protocols and associated encryption?

  5. Are your systems up-to-date?
    It is critical to the security of your Genesys system to stay up-to-date on new patches and to have no default system credentials. Also be sure to shut off any unnecessary services that may be running.

As you can see, there are many security factors to bear in mind when dealing with Genesys. In our next CX blog we will continue to ask you more hard hitting security questions about your Genesys ecosystem.


To Learn more about Online Business Systems’ approach to SecureCX click here.

Online is privileged once again to be a sponsor and exhibitor at Genesys G-Force 2016. If you plan on attending the event, be sure to stop by our booth (B6) in the partner pavilion! If you haven’t registered for G-Force it’s not too late to get the preferred registration rate: Click here.

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