Is Your Genesys Environment Secure? (Part Two)

By Alex Boisseau on October 6, 2016

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Alex Boisseau


Well it’s the final day of Genesys G-Force 2016 and what a ride it has been so far. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by our booth in the Partner Pavilion, it was great to meet so many like-minded industry experts.

With the event nearing its end, it is time to conclude our series on Genesys CX security. Previously we covered important points related to the security of sensitive information stored on your Genesys ecosystem, along with some of the challenges “off-the-shelf” security scanning tools may have testing Genesys integration with your network stack. For this final post, we will continue to dig deeper and ask you some challenging security questions around your Genesys ecosystem.

  1. Is your IT team aware of Genesys’s default installation settings?
    Genesys has unique default settings that may not be known to your IT team. These settings may open up vulnerabilities when deployed on top of your own technology.
  2. Do you know how secure your network architecture is?
    Your organization’s network security is critical to the protection of your Genesys installation. Ensure your network is setup to block access from all unauthorized networks and devices.
  3. Do you have the appropriate alerts set to notify you of anomalous events?
    It is critical that the appropriate members of your team receive alerts when an anomalous event occurs on your network, and that forensic information from the event is recorded if needed.
  4. Have you conducted a threat analysis of your organization?
    Have you done an internal and external analysis to find out the different types of potential threats to your organization or how likely an attack may be?
  5. Do you have a business resumption/disaster recovery plan in place if an attack occurs?
    A BR/DR plan is critical to ensuring your organization does not miss a beat if your Genesys installation’s security is called into question. Ensure you have experts test the effectiveness of your plan and that you review it regularly.

As you can see, there are many different factors to consider when ensuring your Genesys ecosystem is secure. If you found this blog series eye-opening, we’d love to hear from you. Online has been an authorized Genesys partner for over 10 years and can help give you the peace of mind in knowing your organization is safe and secure from potential threats.


To Learn more about Online Business Systems’ approach to SecureCX click here.


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