The Time is Now for Future-Dated PCI Requirements

By Dan Lapierre on September 18, 2024 (Last Updated on October 1, 2024 )

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Dan Lapierre

Hey PCI Champions! Don’t Breathe a Sigh of Relief Just Yet

Congratulations on snagging your v4.0 Report on Compliance (ROC) and Attestation of Compliance (AOC)!
You might be thinking, “Finally, we’re in the clear. Time to tackle other projects.

Well, hold that thought.

There’s a curveball coming your way that you need to be ready for...

By April 1, 2025, 52 PCI controls that are currently marked as "Not Applicable" are turning mandatory.

Yes, you heard that right.

So, what does this mean for you and your team? Let’s break it down.


What’s Changing? New Mandatory Controls You Can’t Ignore

There’s a common misconception floating around that these new PCI controls can wait until your next assessment. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The PCI Standards Council expects these controls to be fully operational by April 1, 2025, no matter when your ROC is dated. Even if your ROC says March 31, 2025, you’re on the hook to have these controls in place by April 1.


Here Are Some Key Controls You Need to Implement:

  • 3.3.2 Encryption of Sensitive Authentication Data (SAD): Any SAD stored electronically before authorization must be encrypted.
  • 3.4.2 Preventing PAN Copying via Remote Access: Make sure you have technical controls to stop the copying of Primary Account Numbers (PAN) when using remote-access technologies.
  • 5.4.1 Protect Against Phishing Attacks: Deploy technical measures to detect and protect your team from phishing attempts.
  • 6.4.2 Web Application Firewall (WAF): Protect your public-facing web apps that handle payment data with a WAF to fend off web-based attacks.
  • 8.3.6 Stronger Passwords: If you’re using passwords/passphrases as authentication factors, set the minimum password length to 12 characters, if your system allows.
  • Authenticated Vulnerability Scanning: Configure your vulnerability scans to be performed via authenticated scanning.
  • 11.6.1 Change and Tamper-Detection on Payment Pages: Ensure you have mechanisms in place to detect and respond to any changes or tampering on your payment pages.

Assessment Services-PCI


The Domino Effect: How These Changes Ripple Through Your Security

Implementing these new controls isn’t just about ticking boxes—it can shake up your entire security framework. For example:

  • Authenticated Scanning: Switching to authenticated scans might uncover vulnerabilities you didn’t know existed. Time to roll up those sleeves and patch them up according to your patching policy.
  • Change Detection Integration: The 11.6.1 control means your change and tamper-detection mechanisms need to mesh seamlessly with your Incident Response plan. Any detected changes or tampering attempts must trigger immediate action.

Understanding these ripple effects is key to maintaining a rock-solid security posture.


What Happens If You Don’t Comply? Let’s Get Real

Ignoring these mandatory controls can lead to some pretty serious consequences:

  • Contractual Issues: Service Providers offering PCI services might face penalties or even contract cancellations if they’re out of compliance.
  • Cyber Insurance Woes: Your cyber insurance might refuse to cover damages from breaches if PCI compliance requirements aren’t met.
  • Increased Breach Risk: Being out of compliance means you’re a bigger target for breaches, which can lead to hefty financial and reputational damage.

Your Game Plan: Steps to Stay Compliant

With just about six months left until the deadline, here’s how to keep your organization on track:

  1. Conduct a Gap Assessment: Bring in a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) to spot where you’re falling short. Our PCI Compliance Consulting Services are here to help you navigate the process.
  2. Prioritize Control Implementation: Tackle the most resource-intensive controls first to ensure you meet the deadline.
  3. Allocate Resources Wisely: Budget for both the time and money needed to implement these controls effectively.
  4. Educate and Train Your Team: Make sure everyone knows about the new requirements and understands their role in maintaining compliance.
  5. Integrate with Existing Security Measures: Ensure new controls fit smoothly with your current security systems to avoid any disruptions.

For more strategies on implementing these controls, take a look at our PCI DSS Resource Center.


The Bright Side: Why It’s Worth the Effort

Yes, rolling out these new controls will take time and resources, but it’s worth the effort:

  • Enhanced Security: Strengthening your security measures reduces the risk of breaches and keeps sensitive data safe.
  • Financial Protection: Preventing breaches can save your organization from significant financial losses and regulatory fines.
  • Industry Best Practices: Staying compliant means you’re upholding the highest security standards, building trust with your customers and partners.

Optimizing your PCI compliance strategy isn’t just about meeting regulatory requirements—it’s about building a resilient and secure environment for your organization. By implementing the mandatory controls by April 1, 2025, you not only avoid potential penalties but also strengthen your overall security framework.


Take Action Now!

Don’t wait until it’s too late- Make sure your organization meets the upcoming PCI compliance requirements seamlessly. Get in touch with our experts today for a comprehensive compliance assessment and personalized support.


About the Author

Dan Lapierre

Dan Headshot

Dan is senior IT Risk Management professional with over 25 years of hands-on experience and a senior QSA with Online Business Systems.

Dan’s experience includes leading the Information Security & IT Audit functions in Financial, Broadcast, Newspaper, and Data Center hosting industries as the designated Information Security Officer (ISO).



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