Our Top 10 Favourite Blog Topics From 2018

By Jamie Michie on December 10, 2018 (Last Updated on June 25, 2021 )

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Jamie Michie

2018 has been a year of rapid technology growth. We have seen changes to the security landscape, an increased adoption of AI and continued generational adjustments to our workforce. 
As we look back over the last 12 months, we wanted to share some of our favorite blog posts from 2018 that touch on some or all of these topics: from risk and security assessment, to user experience, design thinking, business consulting, and everything in between. Happy reading!



 1.  Validating Digital ExperiencesViability Milestones@2x-80-1

Design Thinking is more than a buzz term! While Design Thinking can used by most companies, it's important to ask yourselves some tough questions before committing to the task.  Whether you’re designing something new or adding some much-needed features to an existing product; every digital experience initiative should meet the trifecta goals of Design Thinking:  Feasibility -  Viability -  DesirabilityRead more ....

 2.  The Top 7 Things you Need to Know About GDPR

europe-2021308_1280May of 2018 introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and affects any company that handles personal data of individuals residing in the EU.  Ensuring you are officially "compliant" and what types in information fall under the "personal data" umbrella are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this massive change.  Stay informed! 


3. Say What?! Advances in Speech Recognition

'Hey Siri', our Managing Director of Customer Experience, Chuck McDowell, says "I regularly find myself in technical conversations with others who are trying to understand CX Bloghow speech recognition will impact their customer experience program." With this in mind, we thought it was a good opportunity to share some of his learnings on the advances in speech recognition from the last 12 months.  We hope this analysis provides a less-technical breakdown for you on this interesting topic.

4.  What are the Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities?

spectremeltdownThis was a big one. When it comes to protecting your business and your data knowing that risks exist is just half of the battle.  Earlier this year, the discovery of a design flaw that results in a security vulnerability for nearly all the world’s computers, including PCs, smartphones, and data center computers; presented a massive opportunity for cybercriminals. 

Our team examined the potentially dire circumstances and what it means from a security perspective. What measures can be taken to mitigate breaches? Read more....


4. Turn Down That Noise! Tuning Into Cybersecurity for the Financial Sector

The reality is that while every business in every sector is a target, the financial sector can be
aloud-speaker-310849_1280 prime target given the exchange of one of the most sought after resources in the world:  money. Over the last several years, the headlines have been wrought with more and more stories of cyber attacks and that likely isn't going to slow down anytime soon. The truth is that there are steps you can take to better protect your business. It boils down to some of the basics. We’d like to offer you a couple do’s and don’ts... 


6.  The Foundation Beneath Digital Transformation

2018 searches for this phrase could lead you to thousands of mentions, blogs and influencersSM blog resized using this buzz term to get your attention. Those two words put together, “Digital” + “Transformation” = “Digital Transformation”, are driving change like we haven’t seen in a long time. What does it actually mean, and how can it help your business?

How can Digital Transformation be applied to your organization?  Click here for answers from our experts.


7. 5 Tips for Dealing With a Multigenerational Workforce

Team-BuildingIf your workplace is like most, a quick glance around the office will likely reveal that there are fewer Baby Boomer workers than in the past and more Gen X and Millennial workers. Millennials are becoming the most sizable working generation in Canada, completely overtaking the other generations of employees.

Has your organization set up a 2019 plan for this significant workforce adjustment? Perhaps our blog on this topic will provide incentive & guidance.. 


8. 2018 Technology Trends: Blockchain

Here's a trend that will only continue to gain momentum in blockchain-blog-image2019! With Blockchain technologies, peer-to-peer networks can be created where the actors can transmit value at varying levels of transactional anonymity, and where trust is built algorithmically.  

Gone would be the need to have a plethora of user IDs and passwords, and no longer have to compromise privacy by providing personally-identifiable information (PII) such as an address, etc.  Intrigued?  Read more....


9. 4 Ways an Agile Coach can Boost Your Agile Adoption

Agile ResizedEveryone wants to become more Agile in their business processes but who is the best individual
to help get you from Point A to B?

An Agile coach can make all the difference when
it comes to optimizing organizational Agile delivery.
This role collaborates with teams and stakeholders at critical times to help the organization drive more value out of their Agile adoption than they can envision. Learn more about the benefits of using an Agile coach.....


10. Technology Trends to Look out for in 2018

technologytrends2018There were predictions. There were buzzwords. There were critical discoveries and new applications.technologytrends2018 From from risk and security assessment, to user experience, design thinking, and business consulting.....
How accurate were our Chief Technology Officer's points on what to look out for in 2018? See for yourself!



In closing, the team at Online wants to thank you for the your interest, your feedback and that conversation on these topics - as well as so many others over the past year!  

Did you have a favorite post we didn't list?  Tell us which one in the comments below.

If you have any queries on any of the listed topics above please do not hesitate to contact us today.

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