Can you Afford to Take Chances With Your Patients' Valuable Data?

By Security Consulting Team on May 6, 2021 (Last Updated on September 6, 2024 )

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Security Consulting Team

While many organizations today have dedicated individuals who focus on building, maintaining, and measuring their security programs, many others do not. How do you build a robust security program when you don't have a dedicated team? 

Online's Risk, Security, and Privacy team has a program to help organizations that fall into this category. This service uses an established, 3-phase implementation model that allows for customized integration into existing systems and reliable reporting of all monitored activities.

Our recent eBook, Can You Afford to Take Chances with your Patient's Valuable Data, provides insights into how our virtual CISO service helps healthcare organizations and provides a perspective into how the service can drive value to any organization facing similar compliance requirements.




Download our virtual CISO (vCISO)
eBook to see how it can be applied
to your own organization!





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